Friday, March 13, 2009

The Dubliner

520 North Capitol St
Wash DC 20001
202 737 3773

My Aunt Marge used to say that drink was the curse of the Irish race. Indeed, some Celt or Gael may have invented whiskey; although “aqua vita” has been with us since at least Roman times. The problem with Irishmen is not that they drink, but they don’t hold it well. At high tide, an Irish pub is loud; loud live music and louder patrons. On Jenkins Hill, the volume is magnified because many of the patrons are lawyers, lobbyists and/or politicians - a veritable trifecta of menace. An Irishman full of himself and just half full of whiskey is an accident waiting to happen. Think of Ted or Patrick Kennedy or Chris Dodd if you’re fond of stereotypes

The Irish just recently emerged out from under the British thumb. Barely - they still drive on the wrong side of the road. After five hundred years of oppression, they are more than a little sensitive about all things Irish. In this respect, they are not unlike African Americans. Sad lovers and happy warriors is the way my aunt would put it. Maureen Dowd might come to mind. Hell hath no fury like an Irish spinster.

Stoked with three fingers of hard stuff, most Irishmen don’t care what side of an argument they’re on, as long as it ends in a fight. He or she might forget anything, except a grudge. Indeed, the motto of our most infamous Irish American political family is; “Don’t get angry, get even.” The bottom line is that you might not want to be in an Irish saloon after the sun goes down.

Having said this let me recommend the Dubliner on Capitol Hill in the off hours. I’m not sure there is a thing called Irish cuisine because in most Irish joints, the main event is not food. Here, the fare is good, not excellent, bar food; fish and Chips, shepherd’s pie, corned beef, twice baked potatoes and the like. I have friends who live in Moscow and when they visit go only to the Dubliner for the stuffed potatoes. The pub décor is very authentic, including the smell. The bar has an excellent selection of drawn beer and stout. When the crowds are small and the servers are young, attentive and polite; if you like pubs, this should do. Union Station is just across the plaza; not a bad place to walk it off.

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